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Wedge Mount - DB6-p1

Technical Specifications

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Dynemech Wedge Mounts Series DB is designed for machines which require precision leveling along with vibration reduction and are desired to be firmly mounted with the isolator or machines with high axial thrust and do require any anchoring to the floor. These mounts provide 2 holes on the top plate of the wedge. The bolt which is supplied as a standard accessory with these wedge mounts can be fixed in any of these two holes. While installing the machine, the bolt can be fixed in the hole which makes sure that most of the wedge mount is covered by the leg/base of the machine.

Application :

Tuned to low natural frequency, suitable for passive vibration control of Measuring & Testing Machines, Grinders etc.
Type :Wedge Mount
Name :DB6-p1
Technical Data
Load Capacity (Kg/pc) :4800
Length (mm) :300
Width (mm) :400
Height at mean position (mm) :90
d (mm) :148
e (mm) :50
Bolt Size(mm) :M24
Adjustment Range (mm) : 20
Bottom Pad type :Dp1
Bottom Pad Thickness (mm) :15
Top Pad type :-NA-
Top Pad Thickness (mm) :-NA-
Bore (mm) :-NA-
SW1 (mm) :32
SW2 (mm) :18
Coeff. of Friction against Concrete :0.8
Natural Frequency at Max. Load (Hz) :7
Temperature Range (°C) :From -16 to 90
Color :Dark Grey
Weight Apprx. (Kg) :108
Product Image
Dimentional Drawing
Mounting Sketch

Dynemech Systems
Private Limited

Dynemech Systems today is one of the leading manufacturers of Anti-Vibration Mounts. We provide complete vibration damping solutions for machinery

Contact Information

101, Priya Aptts, Opp. North-Ex Mall

Sector-14, Rohini, Delhi - 110085, India.

+91-11-27347982 / +91-9212258131

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