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TPM Mount - DR2-hs3

Technical Specifications

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DYNEMECH MACHINERY RAISER DAMPING BLOCKS offer easy and quick installation of CNC machines. These blocks offer both levelling and vibration damping besides raising height of the machine for proper cleaning and repairing under it. Raiser Damping Blocks are assembled with insulation plates for vibration reduction. Ideal for CNC Turning/ Machining Centres, Cylindrical & Centreless Grinding Machines, Precision Machine Tools. Help implement TPM norms for machine installation. Proper maintenance, cleanliness, vibration reduction results in enhanced machine tool reliability (zero breakdowns), reduced operation and life cycle costs which are the driving factors for adoption of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) practices. Machines are installed at a height of 100-150 mm which help implement TPM norms for machine installation. DYNEMECH Series DR, are suitable for machines having tapped hole in the base. The bolt rests over the dimple provided on the top face of the mount. Dimple size is provided as per the bolt diameter in the machine base.


For machines to be installd at a height of 100mm or 150mm to meet requirement of TPM for proper cleaning under machines.
Type:TPM Series Mount
Color:- NA -
Technical Data
Load Capacity (Kg/pc):3440
Length (mm):- NA -
Width (mm):- NA -
Height at mean position(H) (mm):135/195
Dia (D) (mm):150
Adjustment Range (mm):- NA -
Top Pad type:- NA -
Top Pad Thickness (mm):- NA -
Bottom Pad type:Dhs3
Bottom Pad Thickness (mm):50
Bolt Size (mm):- NA -
Bore (mm):- NA -
SW1 (mm):- NA -
SW2 (mm):- NA -
Coeff. of Friction against Concrete:0.8
Natural Frequency at Max. Load (Hz):7
Temperature Range (°C):From -16 to 90
Color:- NA -
Weight Apprx. (Kg):- NA -
Product Image
Dimentional Drawing
Mounting Sketch

Dynemech Systems
Private Limited

Dynemech Systems today is one of the leading manufacturers of Anti-Vibration Mounts. We provide complete vibration damping solutions for machinery

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101, Priya Aptts, Opp. North-Ex Mall

Sector-14, Rohini, Delhi - 110085, India.

+91-11-27347982 / +91-9212258131

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